
Confronting Fears That Silence Women, Speaking Up & Standing Out ft Lizz Ntonjira & Rachel Ombaka

Confronting Fears That Silence Women, Speaking Up & Standing Out ft Lizz Ntonjira & Rachel Ombaka

In this episode of the The WomenLift Health Global Conference Podcast Series, guests Rachel Ombaka and Lizz Ntonjira delve into the challenges women encounter in achieving visibility and leadership roles, discussing effective strategies like continuous learning, embracing authenticity, and seeking mentorship to overcome these obstacles. Additionally, they share personal stories, advocating for increased representation of women in healthcare and media, highlighting the importance of supportive networks and inclusive leadership.

#WHA75 Side Event Pan African Multilateral Partnership on Climate Change and Health

On the sidelines of the 75th Session of the World Health Assembly (#WHA75), Lizz Ntonjira moderated a session that brought together Health and Climate change experts to discuss the impact of the accelerated climate change effects to the overall health of communities. I led a panel that specifically brought women and youth to the fore discussing their role and why these two demographics need an audience in this important conversation. As you know, Africa is one of the continents facing the most severe impacts of climate change, with nine out of the 10 most vulnerable countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Climate change is expected to drastically impact agricultural productivity, increase incidence of disease, poverty and water stress and lead to conflict. It is expected that the African continent will also face more intense and more frequent extreme floods, droughts and coastal erosion.

#COP27 Climate Resilient and Just Health Systems in Africa

#COP27 Climate Resilient and Just Health Systems in Africa

A conversation at the #COP27 health pavilion where Amref Health Africa and its partners hosted a session on climate change impacts on health and the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration in addressing this pertinent issue. The session focused on the need for Pan African multi-sectoral partnership on climate change and health that will build resilient and just health systems in Africa. The event also provided insights on how to build and strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships and how such movements can support the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH) in strengthening coordination efforts between health and the environment in Africa.

Can women have the career of their dreams and a good family life simultaneously?

Can women have the career of their dreams and a good family life simultaneously?

Catch the big conversation on Word Around Town with Yolanda Mulwa and Dj Absolute. Guest : Lizz Ntonjira - Communications & Engagement Director, Women lift Health & Author #YOUTHCAN

Lizz Ntonjira Interview with KTN Kenya

The fight to end malaria: Victory is on the horizon

Advocacy is a powerful tool to support the long-term political and financial commitment necessary for malaria elimination. The global malaria community needs to work together, to ensure that the early steps towards the end goal of malaria elimination are taken

New campaign to combat malaria launched in Kenya

A coalition backed by the Kenyan Ministry of Health on Wednesday launched a new campaign to fight malaria in the country. The new Zero Malaria Starts With Me campaign, dubbed "The Power of EveryOne," which was launched by the Zero Malaria Campaign Coalition (ZMCC) under the auspices of the Ministry of Health's National Malaria Control Program, gives every Kenyan the opportunity to play their part in achieving the national goal of zero malaria and ending this deadly disease for good.

Reframing who leads the next economic inclusion agenda

African countries wield the potential of attaining advanced economic development if the continent reframes who leads the next economic inclusion agenda. CNBC Africa’s Aby Agina spoke to Lizz Ntonjira-Mutuma, Author, #YOUTHCAN on what role will future young women leaders play in Africa’s economic transformation.

Lizz Ntonjira crowned African Female Author of the Year as 4 Kenyans clinch awards

Communication expert Lizz Ntonjira won the African Female Author of the Year at the Ladies in Media Awards

Lizz Ntonjira, Kate Actress, Fridah Mwaka Win ‘Ladies In Media’ Awards

Lizz Ntonjira was one of four Kenyan women who emerged winners at the just concluded Ladies in Media Awards (LIM).

Lizz Ntonjira, Communications and Engagement Director

Q&A with Lizz Ntonjira, Communications and Engagement Director, WomenLift Health

WomenLift Health Communications Manager, Liberty Kituu, sat down with Lizz Ntonjira, the new Communications and Engagement Director, to discuss her career accomplishments, passion for gender equality, and more.

WomenLift Health Appoints Communications and Engagement Director, Lizz Ntonjira

WomenLift Health is delighted to announce the appointment of Lizz Ntonjira as Communications and Engagement Director, effective February 2023. As a strategic communications, advocacy, and policy specialist, Lizz brings extensive experience gained within several roles in the public, private and international development sectors spanning over 16 years. Previously, Lizz was the Global Communication Director at Amref Health Africa where she led and mentored a capable communications team responsible for program communications, institutional messaging, branding, thought leadership and offered strategic guidance for Africa, Europe, and North America communication teams.

Christopher Getonga, the Chairperson of End Malaria Council on what he is reading.

What are you reading now? #YouthCan by Lizz Ntonjira. She actually signed it for me. Very dynamic woman. What is the one lesson you picked from the book? It’s the stories of youth and how they are so focused.

Five Barriers Impeding the Growth of African Youth and Solutions: A Review of ‘#Youthcan’ Written by Lizz Ntonjira

Africa is a youthful continent. Over 70 percent of Africa’s population is made up of young people below the age of 35. A majority of this population are grappling with different damaging challenges. This is in turn crippling Africa’s economy because the most resourceful people are either unemployed or their talents remain untapped. So what are some of these issues affecting youth and what is the solution? Review by Dorine Kanaiza, Communications and Public Relations

2023 reading list: Book dealer's top recommendations

With a plethora of books coming out in 2023, how do you know the book to buy and for what season, especially if you don’t have a reading plan? Some African titles include On Black Sisters’ Street by Chika Unigwe, YouthCan, a book by Lizz Ntonjira which is a collection of powerful, inspiring and challenging stories from youth breaking barriers across Africa, and Prayer Battle2 by Dr D.K. Olukoya.

Lizz Ntonjira in Italy

Other than afrophobia: "Africa is your opportunity"

Volcanic 35-year-old Kenyan Elizabeth Ntonjira is AMREF's director of communications. Three years ago he launched a platform that offers mentoring and coaching for young people, who need to be listened to more when they have good ideas and not ignored, as too often happens. Last 2020 he published a book whose title sums up his philosophy: #Youthcan. VITA interviewed her

Top 25 Most Powerful Women in the C-Suite Impacting Business 2022

In her current role as the Global communications Director at Amref Health Africa, Lizz Ntonjira has spearheaded some remarkable advocacy campaigns that have led to both social behaviour changes.

Reimagining Youth Skills Development for Africa’s Future

Reimagining Youth Skills Development for Africa’s Future

Africa has the youngest population in the world, with almost 60% of people younger than 25. With high levels of unemployment and limited educational opportunities, how will these youth acquire the skills required to become powerful agents of change and the continent’s greatest asset? Transforming youth’s skills was the focus of the most recent Canon Africa Frontiers of Innovation.

Social media can drive Africa’s health revolution

Social media platforms can bring conversations about health closer to the people and make global health a less abstract concept to the ordinary African. We live in the information age and social media is no longer solely the preserve of bored teenagers. It is reported that 58.4% of the world’s population today (more than four billion people) use social media, while the average daily time spent on digital platforms is 2.5 hours.

'We will always get the leftovers': A year in COVID-19 vaccine inequity

"People in big city centers, big towns have really accessed these vaccines. But then people in rural areas, where a health facility is a couple of kilometers away, are not able to access these vaccines," said Elizabeth Ntonjira, global communications director at Amref Health Africa.

"Even when you have a nice, smoothly running program — the moment you get short shelf life vaccines, everything is thrown into tatters and you have to rush and quickly deploy these vaccines throughout the country,” Ntonjira said.

Majority of African women are still denied opportunities

‘Majority of African women are still denied opportunities’

In this interview with TOBI AWODIPE - The Guardian Nigeria, Lizz Ntonjira talks about changing the African narrative, the three C’s of mentorship for women and how her network and anthology targeted at youths would be catalysts for both individual and national development.

Opinion Vaccine injustice means nobody is safe until we’re all safe

Opinion: Vaccine injustice means nobody is safe until we’re all safe

There is an African proverb that goes: “One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom.” And if there is anything we have learned from Africa’s COVID-19 experience, it is that for as long as the balance of power is tilted in favor of the wealthier global north, then inequalities in health will continue to persist — and lives will be lost.

ELIZABETH NTONJIRA - Involve communities in health interventions

ELIZABETH NTONJIRA: Involve communities in health interventions

Enabling communities to determine and improve their health outcomes is the surest way to guarantee that solutions proposed are culturally relevant, effective and sustainable

Top 35 Under 35 Awards 2021: Youth of the Year Exemplary Leadership Category

On International Youth Day 2021, Lizz Ntonjira was recognized for emerging as a CHAMPION in the #ExemplaryLeadership Category for the Top35 Under35 2021 Awards.

WHO Global Conference | Communicating science during health emergencies

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how much science and evidence-based public health measures can affect people’s lives. Journalists, healthcare workers, religious leaders, teachers and others had to become science communicators to effectively fulfill their professional roles. At the same time, researchers were requested to communicate their results transparently and explain the underlying scientific processes. Recognizing the challenge and importance of making science accessible and understandable to all, World Health Organization (WHO) convened a global conference in June 2021 to learn from the public and over 60 experts about how to effectively communicate science during health emergencies. This report summarizes the outcomes of the conference and proposed actions for WHO and partners.

Top 25 Most Powerful Women in C-Suite Impacting Business

Lizz Ntonjira is a strategic communications and public affairs expert with extensive experience gained within a number of roles in the public, private and international development sectors spanning over 14 years.

Twitter, Amref Health Africa to deliver skills training

Since its launch in 2020, the media scholarship programme by Amref Health Africa in partnership with Amref International University and Twitter has awarded scholarships to high-achieving African journalists to pursue health communication and journalism courses.

Twitter Partners Amref Health Africa to Deliver Skills Training for Journalists

Twitter and Amref Health Africa, a leading Nairobi-based health development organisation, have announced their continued collaboration to provide skills and capacity-building training in best practices for health reporting. This comes on the heels of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and amid growing concerns about recently reported cases of monkeypox across the continent.

The other half of Africa - Lizz Ntonjira and the continent's talents

The other half of Africa: Lizz Ntonjira and the continent's talents

On the occasion of Africa Day, we interviewed Lizz Ntonjira, an enterprising Kenyan who talks about the continent's youth talents in a book

COVID-19 – We Need To Vaccinate Against Misinformation

COVID-19 – We Need To Vaccinate Against Misinformation

"As COVID-19 infections continue to surge around the world, we must ramp up efforts to create connections between the custodians of truth and the public." Read more from Emmanuel Lubanzadio, Head of Public Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa – Twitter; and Elizabeth Ntonjira, Global Communication Director – Amref Health Africa

ELLE: La kenyota Lizz Ntonjira ha deciso di raccontarle.

ELLE: La kenyota Lizz Ntonjira ha deciso di raccontarle.

25 maggio, Giornata dell'Africa: un continente con 54 Paesi che molti immaginano pieni soltanto di sventure. Invece ci sono energie, potenzialità, talenti e storie di successo.

Leid der Schattenpandemie

Auch in Afrika richtet sich der Fokus auf die Eindämmung von Covid-19. Doch dabei bleiben ohnehin benachteiligte Menschen auf der Strecke.

Georgine e la battaglia per la ragazze sorde

Georgine e la battaglia per la ragazze sorde

Georgine è anche tra le protagoniste di un libro che raccoglie i ritratti di una 50ina di giovani leader che stanno facendo la differenza in Africa ("#Youthcan", di Lizz Ntonjira, a capo di un network di donne per il cambiamento nel continente e direttrice della comunicazione di Amref Health Africa).

Webinar: American Spaces Kenya hosts four iconic women to mark the Women's History Month

Webinar: American Spaces Kenya hosts four iconic women to mark the Women's History Month

American Spaces Kenya hosts four iconic women who are calling the shots, building brands and impacting their community. Catch Gender consultant Joy Kyula and the founders of BrightGreen Energy, Kaya Nuts, and The Lizz Ntonjira Network in this one-hour special!

How to combat misinformation in the healthcare sector

With the burst of social media and the availability of unregulated content, misinformation poses a great threat to the sanctity of various sectors, especially in health care. To learn about combatting misinformation with regulation, restriction, and awareness, CNBC Africa spoke to Elizabeth Ntonjira, Global Communication Director at Amref for more.

Lizz Ntonjira among five women awarded in inaugural Lioness Awards

The Jennifer Riria Foundation in collaboration with Master Made Studios held the awards in a colourful ceremony at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.

Lizz Ntonjira among five women awarded in inaugural Lioness Awards

Media personality Lizz Ntonjira is among five women who were celebrated in the weekend during the inaugural Lioness Awards.

Dr Githinji Gitahi & Lizz Ntonjira, Amref Senior Leadership

I rappresentanti di Amref come modelli d’eccellenza 2020

Due prestigiose classifiche annuali hanno selezionato due rappresentanti di spicco di Amref Health Africa: Githinji Gitahi e Lizz Ntonjira, rispettivamente il CEO e la Direttrice della comunicazione della Organizzazione Non Governativa africana.

Msafiri Magazine

Msafiri Magazine: Lizz Ntonjira Empowerment Expert

In as much as there have been many challenges, 2020 has also been a year when some people have thrived. We have seen young people come up with viable solutions to help counter or address the challenges we find ourselves in.

Protecting Your Mental Health During Uncertain Times

Protecting Your Mental Health During Uncertain Times

Popularly known as the year of the pandemic. It has been riddled with the untimely demise of many, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus being at the forefront, #EndSARS, as well as different demonstrations around the world and Africa.

‘#Youthcan’ illuminates path of young achievers

Book Review: ‘#Youthcan’ illuminates path of young achievers

In some ways Lizz hopes to be the bridge between generations in this heavily first person text with real life examples and stories from all corners of Africa, from the smallest of rural villages to the biggest cities.

Top 100 Kenyans 2020 honors 100 Kenyans who have made a difference countrywide or in their small community; through headline-grabbing moves or silently working behind the scenes.

Video: Get to know @lizzientonjira better through this quick fire honors 100 Kenyans who have made a difference countrywide or in their small community; through headline-grabbing moves or silently working behind the scenes.

Video: Mistakes That Young Journalists Make. - Lizz Ntonjira honors 100 Kenyans who have made a difference countrywide or in their small community; through headline-grabbing moves or silently working behind the scenes.

Video: Lizz Ntonjira opens up about her transition from TV Full Interview honors 100 Kenyans who have made a difference countrywide or in their small community; through headline-grabbing moves or silently working behind the scenes.

Why I quit NTV News Anchoring Job - Liz Ntonjira

Why I quit NTV News Anchoring Job - Lizz Ntonjira

In an exclusive interview with, Ntojira recounted ditching anchoring to start a show dubbed Women and Power still at NTV.

Inspiring Stories of Influence with award-winning journalist & author, Lizz Ntojira

Inspiring Stories of Influence with award-winning journalist & author, Lizz Ntonjira

Listen to this engaging, fun, inspiring, and thought-provoking conversation with Lizz Ntonjira. Lizz is an award-winning journalist, author and seasoned communication professional. Lizz is the current Global Communication Director at AMREF. Her book YOUTH CAN seeks to inspire, empower and challenge the youth in Africa to be the best versions of themselves. She is also the director of the, a platform that provides innovative, engaging, interactive and tailored training and coaching for the youth.

Why we need to fight the misinformation pandemic

Why we need to fight the misinformation pandemic

When efforts to keep populations safe are stifled by the proliferation of falsehoods,the most vulnerable are left even more exposed to the pandemic. A co-authored piece between Lizz Ntonjira, the Global Communication Director at Amref Health Africa as well as author of #YouthCan and Emmanuel Lumbanzadio, the Head of Public Policy in Sub Sahara Africa at Twitter.

Kenya's reading and writing culture || Your World with Joseph Warungu

Kenya's reading and writing culture || Your World with Joseph Warungu

#YouthCan embodies everything I do around youth advocacy in Kenya, East Africa and around the globe. It's a collection of 50 inspiring stories about people across Africa who are breaking barriers. - Lizz Ntonjira

#YouthCan Book Signing

#YOUTHCAN by Lizz Ntonjira - Q&A Session with Text Book Center

What motivated the author to write the book? What keeps her going? Join in and let's find that out together from the author herself.

#YouthCan: Empowering young people to reach their full potential

#YouthCan: Empowering young people to reach their full potential [Video]

Amref Head of Communications Lizz Ntonjira is a woman passionate about empowering young people to reach their full potential by challenging the status quo and taking up leadership roles. Africa has the youngest population in the world and Ntonjira believes it is time to pay more attention to Africa's youth.

Africa, how to give a voice to young Africans: 50 success stories from 22 countries of the continent

During an extremely critical moment, a country that was in danger of collapse proved to be a source of innovation and potential, summarized in the talented personality of Amref's global communications manager. Lizz Ntonjira, just 33 years old, has already received important international awards for her commitment to relations with the world media. Lizz says she started working on her book #YouthCan during this time of health emergency, which collects 50 success stories in 12 chapters, told by 29 women and 21 men from 22 sub-Saharan African countries. The attempt is to bring out the potential of brilliant young minds who have been able to break down barriers in Africa, helping to create a new narrative of the continent. "This period of COVID-19 has made us realize that there is so much potential in Africa. With the right opportunities, so many things can be achieved."

LifenPurpose Episode 39: Lizz Ntonjira- Inspiring Young Leaders

This Episode was graced by the one and only Lizz Ntonjira. She is currently the Communications Director at Amref Health Africa, the largest health development organization in Africa. She is also a youth advocate and the founder of The LizzNtonjira Network, a platform that provides innovative, engaging, interactive, and tailor-made training and coaching for the youth. Lizz is also the author of the book #YOUTHCAN, a collection of powerful, inspiring, and challenging stories from youth breaking barriers across 22 African countries. For her work across various sectors, she has received numerous awards including being listed as one of the 100 Most Influential Young Africans. Lizz is committed to changing the African narrative by showcasing compelling stories that reflect Africa’s improving development agenda. Lizz holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, a post-graduate Professional


"Africa is a hotbed of innovation, talent and bright young minds" . These are the words of Lizz Ntonjira, herself an example of the unlimited potential of African youth. 33-year-old Kenyan, Lizz is a communications powerhouse. In his role as Communications Director, he leads Amref Health Africa's global communications. It is during this harsh period of COVID, in which "the sudden changes made us inevitably feel lost and worried", but also "made us understand that there is so much potential" , that Lizz worked on her book,#YouthCan: A collection of powerful, inspirational success stories from young people who have broken down barriers across Africa. Lizz is the founder of the Lizz Ntonjira Network, a youth engagement platform that offers them diverse resources, coaching, mentoring and training. Her commitment has earned her important international awards, including the "Woman in Tech" in the prestigious "Women4Africa ™ Awards" and the "IBM Smart Communicator Award" thanks to her relationships with world-class media.

Young People Are Tired Of Being Used – Ntonjira

Lizz Ntonjira is a youth advocate and the founder of the Lizz Ntonjira Network, a platform that provides innovative, engaging, interactive and tailored training and coaching for the youth. She is currently the Head of Global Corporate Communications at Amref Health Africa, one of the largest health development NGOs in Africa. In this interview with NKECHI ISAAC, she emphasizes the need.

Daily Nation Interview with Lizz Ntonjira

Lizz is the head of corporate communications at Amref Health Africa. She is also a chartered public relations practitioner with more than a decade’s worth of experience in strategic communications and public affairs. Her achievements include being named among the top 100 most influential young Africans by Avance Media, a leading PR and rating company.

Lizz Ntonjira: Inspiring young people to reach their potential

Lizz Ntonjira: Inspiring young people to reach their potential

Lizz Ntonjira- Mutuma, 33, is a powerhouse in the communications field. She serves as the head of Global Corporate Communications at Amref Health Africa, and is the founder of the Lizz Ntonjira Network, a youth engagement platform that offers various resources, coaching, mentorship and training for youth.

Lizz Ntonjira Communication Expert on Switch TV, 15 July 2020

Lizz Ntonjira Communication Expert on Switch TV, 15 July 2020

And she is finally here! Lizz Ntonjira is finally on the hot seat, tune into Switch TV Kenya for #Chatspot to interact with her. Do you have any questions for her? - 15 July 2020


Amref Health Africa's Senior Corporate Communications Manager Elizabeth (Lizz) Ntonjira is an award-winning journalist and communicator who says, “I’ve been a storyteller since I was born.” We caught up with her when she came to London to receive her Professional Diploma in Public Relations and spend a few days with the Amref UK team.

Water the silver bullet in war on pandemic

Water the silver bullet in war on pandemic

One of the greatest lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic is how big a difference access to a reliable supply of clean water can have on the well-being of all. We are reminded that water is life.

Effective communication critical to fighting COVID-19

To win the war against COVID-19, timely, balanced and factual information is critical, writes Elizabeth Ntonjira.

Lizz Ntonjira speaks Everyday Woman at KTN

Lizz Ntonjira speaks Everyday Woman at KTN

This is a half an hour show that focuses on the Everyday Woman - her struggles, successes and everything in between. Everyday Woman is geared towards creating a platform where women feel empowered having women who have achieved success in these areas as well as focusing on these areas and the solutions that can come from them. Our target market is urban women between the age of 25 - 35 years of age

Align Your Mission And Vision To Your Career ~ Lizz Ntonjira Event #CentonomyCareerHub

Align Your Mission And Vision To Your Career ~ Lizz Ntonjira Event #CentonomyCareerHub

What are the core values that you abide on and are you positioning them to the career you are on? This will help you align your short and long term goals and will make you focused.

Start Your Career on a High Note This 2020 ~ Lizz Ntonjira #CentonomyCareerHub

Start Your Career on a High Note This 2020 ~ Lizz Ntonjira #CentonomyCareerHub

Do you feel stuck in your career, scared of exploring new opportunities, or even wondering how to repackage and reposition yourself for career growth? It's about time you made those boss moves!

Nine young Kenyans have been named among the 2019 100 most influential young Africans list by Africa Youth Awards.

The list which annually recognises the works of young Africans who have impacted lives across the continent, features young people from 32 African countries. Among the Kenyans include Peter Tabichi who is the winner of the $1 million Global Teacher Prize 2019, Governor Stephen Sang, media personality Adelle Onyango, Amref Communications manager, Elizabeth Ntonjira and athlete, Beatrice Chepkoech.

Lizz Ntonjira named Top 100 2019 Most Influential Young Africans

Lizz Ntonjira named Top 100 2019 Most Influential Young Africans

In recognition of their works which has impacted lives across the continent, Africa Youth Awards has announced 100 young Africans from 32 African countries in its 2019 ranking of 100 Most Influential Young Africans.

IBM External Relations Leader nominated for the prestigious Women4Africa Awards

IBM External Relations Leader for East Africa, Elizabeth (Lizz) Ntonjira has been nominated in the International Women in Tech category in the prestigious Women4Africa Awards set to take place in London on the 20th of May this year.

Lizz Ntonjira about Youth participation in policy making

Youth participation in policy making || Here and Now

A conversation with Janet Mbugua on NTV Kenya's Here and Now Show about the need for young people to be in the forefront of influencing policy in Kenya.

LETTERS Governments have abandoned African youth

LETTERS: Governments have abandoned African youth

Instead of implementing plans and having equal representation of the youth- we are busy perpetuating the faults of our society.

IBM’s Elizabeth Ntonjira scoops best “International Woman in Tech” award

IBM’s Elizabeth Ntonjira scoops best “International Woman in Tech” award

The Communication Manager- Central, East & West Africa at IBM Kenya, Ms Elizabeth (Lizz) Ntonjira has been awarded the best International Women in Tech award in the prestigious Women4Africa Awards.

2015 Mandela Fellows send-off reception

2015 Mandela Fellows send-off reception

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is the flagship programme of President Barack Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative (Yali), designed to equip the next generation of African leaders with academic and professional training.

Former news anchor Lizz Ntonjira scores top nomination

Former news anchor Lizz Ntonjira scores top nomination

Former NTV news anchor and business reporter Elizabeth ‘Lizz’ Ntonjira Mutuma has been nominated as a finalist for the 2018 Africa Youth Awards in the Leader of the year 2018 category.

Former NTV Anchor Lizz Ntonjira Shares Stage With President Obama To Address Audience In Washington DC

The former NTV anchor was among speakers that took to the podium to address audience at the Presidential Summit, Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders Initiative.

Three ways to help women succeed in STEM professions

Technology has transformed the world more dramatically than any other revolution in history and is one of the fastest growing areas of the global economy. At a time when opportunity has never been greater, however, women are retreating from the fields of science and technology at alarming rates.

4 things that motivate Lizz Ntonjira

4 things that motivate Lizz Ntonjira

Lizz Ntonjira is a Former NTV news anchor, who bagged several accolades such as being best TV reporter on Gender Development before moving on to greener pastures at IBM, where she is currently the external Relations Leader at the East Africa branch located in Nairobi. Lizz shares with us secrets to her success.

Why regulator stopped Tuskys bid to acquire rival Ukwala

Retail chain Tuskys Supermarkets’ takeover of rival Ukwala Supermarkets has been stopped and the two companies fined Sh5.3 million for engaging in restrictive trade practices. The Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) found that Tuskys, which is Kenya’s second-largest retail chain, broke the law when it struck a deal to manage Ukwala’s stores in April last year thereby interfering with workings of a free market.

Former NTV anchor Lizz Ntonjira conferred with another degree in UK

Former NTV anchor Lizz Ntonjira conferred with another degree in UK just two weeks after graduating from Strathmore University

Former NTV anchor Lizz Ntonjira conferred with another degree in UK just two weeks after graduating from Strathmore University

Innovative, engaging, interactive and tailored training and coaching for the youth